By using a fixed point theorem of mixed monotone operators in cone, this paper studied a fourth-order nonlinear singular boundary value problem, namely a class of elastic beam equation. 利用锥上的混合单调算子不动点定理,本文研究了一类四阶奇异非线性微分方程的边值问题,即一类弹性梁方程问题。
Cone of paper pulp, paper or paperboard for winding yarn or wire 纸浆、纸或纸板制锥体,用于盘绕纱或线
According to the boundary layer character in reentry wake of hypersonic blunt cone body, this paper presents a local similar solution for hypersonic wake. 依据钝锥体再入远尾迹流动的边界层特征,从边界层方程出发得到了高超声速远尾迹流动的拟相似性解。
Using fixed point theorem in cone, this paper deals with the existence of multiple positive solutions for a class of singular boundary value problem of impulsive integro-differential mixed equations in Banach spaces. One example is given to show the applications of our results. 利用锥拉伸及锥压缩不动点定理,讨论了Banach空间中一类带奇异性的脉冲积-微分混合方程边值问题多个正解的存在性。
In view of the reliability fatigue life of the aircraft auxiliary fuel tank cone, this paper adopts the method of accelerated test to assess its life span. 针对飞机副油箱尾锥可靠性疲劳寿命问题,采用加速寿命试验方法对其进行寿命评估,通过试验和部队试用证明方法是完全可行的。
Study and Improvement of Radio Cone Paper Material 扬声器纸盆材料的研究与改进
Research on Microwave Drying of Radio Cone Paper 微波干燥扬声器纸盆的试验研究
On the base of the analysis of kinematics and dynamics for introduced some types of cone crushers, this paper constructs the dynamics models with the finite element method on the main components of the cone crushers, such as main shaft, moving cone and off? 在对引进的某型圆锥破碎机的运动学及动力学分析的基础上,建立了该破碎机主要部件主轴、动锥及偏心轴套的有限元分析模型。
. stimulated electronic Raman scattering ( SERS), stimulated electronic hyper-Raman scattering ( SEHRS) and yellow cone radiation is reported in this paper. 本文报导了钠蒸汽中的受激电子Raman散射(SERS)、受激电子超Raman散射(SEHRS)和黄色锥状辐射等非线性光学效应的研究工作。
Based on the principle of the trigonometry sectional approximation for the curved surface, a recurrence formula for the computer development of elliptical cone surface is derived in this paper. 本文基于曲面三角剖分拟合的原理,建立了椭圆锥表面计算机展开的递推算法。
On the basis of the structural characteristics of the common conical basket centrifuge, a new centrifuge with double cone angles conical basket is put forward in the paper. 根据常规锥篮离心机的结构特点,提出新型双锥度锥篮离心机。
Taking cone gear as example, this paper presents the design guidance of cone gear and emphasizes that it is the key step to match the most similar gear in standardized gear parts base. 本文以直齿锥齿轮为例,给出了直齿锥齿轮的设计导航流程,提出在已经标准化了的齿轮零件库中匹配出最相似的齿轮零件是关键的步骤。
Furthermore, The advantage of controlling the displacement between optical fiber probe and etching fluid step by step in the fabrication of large cone angle optical fiber probe is also described in this paper. 在此基础上,还论述了分步控制光纤与腐蚀液液面的相对位移的方法在大锥角光纤探针的制备中所具有的独特优越性。
In the situation, the exact reconstruction algorithm of three nonplanar orbits is studied, and study the calibration method to eliminate artifacts in reconstructed slices with large cone angle in the paper. 在这种情况下,本文对三种非平面源轨的精确重建方法进行了研究,并对FDK算法在中大锥角重建时产生的伪影进行了校正。
Through simple introduction about the structure braking principle and detection technique of anti-falling safety device with gear cone drum, this paper mainly discusses the familiar problem, analyzes some familiar breakdown examples. 本文通过对齿轮锥鼓形渐进式防坠安全器的结构、制动原理及检测技术的简要阐述,着重对检测中的常见问题进行探讨并对一些常见故障进行分析。
For decreasing piercing resistance and increasing the stiffness of plug post rod, the shape parameter K_0 of deformation cone of plug has been optimized in this paper. 为减少穿孔力以相对提高顶杆刚度,文中优化了变形锥形状参数K_0并确定了选取原则。
Model analysis method with cone shell element for axisymmetric shell is discussed in this paper. 本文选用锥壳单元,介绍了轴对称旋转壳模态分析方法。
Be aimed at peculiarity of radio cone paper, study and improvement of radio cone paper material of loudspeaker are described. 本文针对扬声器及其纸盆的特性,描述了对扬声器纸盆材料的研究与改进。
The discharge coefficient and the spray cone angle are investigated systematically in this paper. 本文中对其流量系数及雾化角进行了系统的研究。
The moving cone in the equipment is calculated by dynamic and static finite clement method through measuring φ 1200 cone crusher in this paper. 本文通过对φ1200圆锥破碎机测试,对设备中的动锥部分进行了动、静态有限元计算。
During Exerusion, the polymer melt flow in cone dies was discussed in this paper. 本文讨论了聚合物熔体在圆锥口型中的流动问题。
The theory of calculating geometric parameters of pitch cone of curved tooth hypoid gear is investigated in this paper. 本文研究了曲齿准双曲面齿轮分度锥面几何参数计算的原理。
The technology of autoclave moulding was studied to eliminate the ditches on the inner surface of extendible nozzle exit cone for some tactical missile engine in this paper. 为消除某战术导弹发动机扩散段绝热层内表面出现沟槽等缺陷,对缠绕热压罐成型工艺进行了研究。
The ferrite coarse powder technological process and some general equipment, such as ball mill, vibration ball mill, air comminuter cone crusher are introduced in this paper. 介绍了硬磁铁氧体生产中的制粉工艺及常用设备,如球磨机、振动球磨机、风选式粉碎机、锥磨机等;
Through the example, we gave the pattern ask for the most value make a clever use of the definition of circular Cone bend line in this paper. 巧用圆锥曲线的定义,通过具体实例说明求最值的一些方法,对中学数学教学有积极的参考价值。
The coupling between butt fiber and cone lensed fiber is described in this paper. A theoretical model is presented and the formula of coupling efficiency is given. 建立了平端光纤与锥端微透镜光纤对耦合的理论模型,得到耦合系数的计算公式。
According to the property of large and pure lag and parameter time-varying of the cone crusher, the paper puts forward the fuzzy complex control method. 针对圆锥破碎机控制系统的大纯滞后和参数时变的特点,提出了模糊复合控制方法。
As a new method of drying, microwave was used for radio cone paper drying. 微波干燥扬声器纸盆是一项新的技术。
Through male cone experiment, this paper also indicates the distribution proportion of load between male cone and prestressed cables, elementarily reveals the function mechanism of tunnel-type anchorage with prestressed cables. 通过锚塞体试验,指出了岩锚和锚塞的受力分配比例,从而初步揭示了带预应力岩锚的隧道锚的作用机制。
The cone crusher performance optimization model and optimization procedure in the paper can be used to provide reference data in the actual production; also can support the further research in improving the cone crusher performance. 论文中圆锥破碎机的优化模型及优化程序可以为圆锥破碎机的实际生产提供具体的参考数据,也可以为改善圆锥破碎机性能的进一步研究提供可鉴之处。